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E-commerce platforms and the BtoB wine industry.

8 April 2024
6 minutes of reading

The evolution of BtoB e-commerce platforms in the wine industry has been driven by a number of key factors, beyond the health crisis which has strongly stimulated the growth of online sales and the optimisation of platforms, they have played a key role in transforming the way producers and distributors […]

The evolution of BtoB e-commerce platforms in the wine industry has been driven by a number of key factors, beyond the health crisis which has strongly stimulated the growth of online sales and the optimisation of platforms, they have played a key role in transforming the way producers and distributors interact, expanding opportunities and strengthening the competitiveness of the wine industry in the professional sales market.

Improving visibility and accessibility.

More and more professionals are taking an interest in the online trade of wines and spirits, following the growing trend of online purchases. The shift from BtoC to BtoB has greatly benefited the wine industry, reducing intermediary costs and prompting many other producers to seek to replicate this model to expand their market share. According to Value Market Research, global demand for the alcohol e-commerce market is expected to reach a size of nearly $212.54 billion by 2030, up from $54.52 billion in 2021, growing at a CAGR of 16.32% over the period 2023-2030. 📈 According to Xerfi, the BtoB wine e-commerce market is worth €2.8 billion. BtoB e-commerce platforms have significantly improved the visibility of wine products, providing a global shop window for producers and facilitating access to a wider range of distributors and retailers, enabling wine producers to reach new markets and extend their reach, while continuing to sell despite health and geopolitical conditions, thus contributing to the overall growth of the sector.

The rise of virtual trade fairs.

Virtual trade fairs dedicated to BtoB, such as Hopwine or VinoVirtual first appeared during the global health crisis, allowing wine professionals to strengthen and increase their online visibility internationally, and for some to familiarise themselves with the digitalisation of the BtoB wine trade. The growth in attendance at the Hopwine trade fair over 1 year bears witness to this: According to Vitisphere, the VinoVirtual trade show in 2020 attracted a total of 90 participants, including 35 Champagne winegrowers and 55 international buyers from 23 different countries, from Germany to Sweden, Armenia and Estonia. Fabrice Mauge reports that 200 qualified appointments have been made, and claims an 80% satisfaction rate among his exhibitors, who are ready to take part in the next edition. These trade shows have been going strong ever since, and continue to renew their editions.

Strengthening business-to-business relationships.

E-commerce platforms and their long-term aspect offered more direct and continuous communication between wine producers and distributors, making business growth sustainable, fostering the development of strong and lasting commercial relationships, offering close collaboration to meet the specific needs of the market and consumers, while allowing the market to continue to function during the global health crisis. The remarkable growth in BtoB online sales bears witness to the new market opportunities available to the wine sector, while at the same time strengthening business-to-business relations. This is reflected in a number of initiatives, including the acquisition of Plugwine by Les Grappes and the acquisition of Actiwine by the Larraqué Vins International (LVI) group , a web-based marketplace specialising in connecting professionals in the sector. "We are going to reorganise Actiwine and reposition it on the BtoB market" announces Pierre-Jean Larraqué, CEO of the LVI group.

Simplification of commercial transactions.

The evolution of BtoB e-commerce platforms and integrated e-commerce functionality in the wine industry has enhanced product visibility and accessibility, strengthened business-to-business relationships, simplified commercial transactions and optimised inventory and logistics management. Despite regulatory challenges, the BtoB wine sector is enjoying sustainable growth thanks to digital transformation. Global sales on B2B e-commerce sites are expected to reach $20.9 billion by 2027. Integrating online ordering systems allows to simplified commercial transactions, such as those set up by Les Grappes, LiveMarket which has become Wineriz, or Baqio with whom we are actively collaborating on the development of our APIs (👉 Find our integrations right here 👈) offering more efficient management of bulk orders, enabling players to coordinate deliveries according to demand. Simplifying logistics ensures consistent and efficient distribution of wine products, fostering long-lasting business relationships based on trust and security, while reducing costs.

Optimisation of stock management and logistics.

In the BtoB wine sector, optimising stock management and logistics is essential. This involves real-time monitoring of stock levels, accurate supply chain planning, centralised management of warehouses and points of sale, and the integration of advanced logistics systems. However, the complexity and diversity of international legislation means that producers have to waste time on administrative tasks. In our case we have joined forces with Eurotax, a competent tax representation service, to make things easier for you, even for professionals who do not have an excise number, and to optimise your commercial exchanges even further.
According to a Vin & Société survey, 58% of companies believe that digitisation is of real benefit to wine sales.
Technological developments in the digitisation of BtoB e-commerce platforms have led to much better stock management and more efficient supply chain planning, enabling better distribution and availability of wine products on the market, while reducing operating costs.   Despite regulatory challenges, technological advances and strategic partnerships have enabled wine industry players to overcome these obstacles and prosper in an ever-changing business environment. By capitalising on the opportunities offered by digital transformation, the wine sector is positioning itself for sustainable growth and continued adaptation to the changing demands of the global wine market. In summary, these advances have contributed significantly to the growth and competitiveness of the wine industry, which is constantly expanding on a global scale.

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